With this new season already upon us, it has been in the back of my mind to thoroughly go through my wardrobe to uncover and rediscover some buried treasures! You know the kind that lurk at the back of your drawers, or those which have become squished on the rack between your default jackets? Yes, today was the day that I would unearth these potential treasures, and for whatever reason they were disregarded in the past, I was going to give them new life. You see, when your funds are low, you've got to make the most of what you got... and I am in desperate need of some new get-ups!

Close to my pre-pregnancy weight (though a tad further from my pre-pregnancy shape!) I needed to see if I could get my current stash of clothes to work on the new me. I put Summer down for her nap and then set to work. Having pulled almost the entire contents of my wardrobe onto the bed I began sifting... Where to start?! Barely making a dent in the pile, a familiar and gut-wrenching sound echos from the next room, "Waaaaah!" Summer wakes. Surely it hasn't been an hour already? A quick glance at my watch reassures me that it has, indeed, been less than an hour. In fact, it's only been 20 minutes. Darn! I hold my breath... maybe she'll put herself back to sleep? But sure enough, that was just wishful thinking. "Oh missy, missy. What's the matter?" I pick her up, cuddle her, then chuck her in her Bumbo seat. Maybe she can just watch me for a bit? That lasts for about 10 minutes, before more agitation sets in and a front-pack walk is in order. Similar scenarios carry on most of the day. Usually a pretty good bub, for some reason she's particularly unsettled today. Hmmmm, the day I set myself a fairly big task... sigh. I can only smile to myself. This is why I tend to put-off doing anything and everything! Ha.

Throughout the day I keep plodding along and eventually manage to put together and record 3 new outfits... a lot less than I had hoped for, but at least it's something. My wardrobe never really got sorted, more like repacked! But at least I have a better idea of what's in there now. Here are a the 3 new outfits... yes, I like stripes! Doesn't look like much for a days work...

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